Drag and Drop Feature Coming to Chrome - MO Agency - Web Design and Digital Marketing

Drag and Drop Feature Coming to Chrome

Drag and Drop Feature Coming to Chrome
08 July 2022

Drag and Drop Feature Coming to Chrome

Google has been working to bring innovations to Chrome's download interface for a while. The first news looks like is about dragging files. In Google Chrome, downloads can now be moved by drag and drop.

You will be able to drag the downloads from Google Chrome to wherever you want

The expected feature is added to the download menu of Google Chrome after years. Google Chrome, which activates the drag and drop feature, will now allow you to easily move the downloads to wherever you want. With the new update, when you open the download menu, you can drag and drop the file you want.

In this way, Google Chrome, which allows you to easily move files to wherever you want, also allows you to move these images to applications such as Photoshop. This feature, which is not yet shared in all Chrome versions, will soon be active in all versions. Of course, this will make Chrome a more usable and preferable browser.

Source: donanimhaber.com
