New Video Chat App Duo - MO Agency - Web Design and Digital Marketing

New Video Chat App Duo

New Video Chat App Duo
20 May 2016

New Video Chat App Duo

Google introduced a new mobile application at its I/O 2016 event in San Francisco. With the mobile application called Duo, users will be able to video call each other.

We can say that the new video messaging application introduced by Google is in a way a rival of Facetime. As it is known, Facetime only works on iPhones and iPads. Google's video messaging app Duo will be available on both iOS and Android platforms. Another important feature of Duo is that the calls made by users will be end-to-end encryption.

Eric Kay, the head of Google's engineering team, underlined that the new application they developed also has a philosophy. When you receive a call via Duo, you will be able to see the snapshot of the caller without picking up the phone. Thus, you will be able to witness why the caller is calling and the instant surprise he made a few seconds before answering the call. Duo will be released on both iOS and Android this summer.
